Want to Combat Ageism? Look to Instagram’s Divas

Jane Trombley
2 min readApr 24, 2018
“Scrabble letter pieces that spell out "Take more photos."” by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I think ageism is a cultural illness. It’s not a personal illness.

— Frances MacDormand

Yes, it’s a thing. Ageism exists. Just ask anybody over 50, or heaven forbid, a woman over 60.

No less than the official arbiter of all things aging, AARP, has reduced it to a pithy hashtag: #disruptaging. So we know for certain it’s a thing.

The Female Warriors at the front lines of Ageism

Anti-Ageism warriors — the modern day Joan of Arcs at the forefront of the movement to redefine what — or what isn’t — aging.

They are resolute standard bearers for the message that style, sass, and intellectual pursuit don’t end at menopause. Don’t give up edgy. Never ever.

And sex appeal? Yep, that too. And proud of it.

The are well into to their 60’s, and 70’s and beyond.

They have redefined themselves, moving on from successful careers in academia, medicine, fashion, and early Bunny-hood. They are influencers not just for their age group but for women in general.

They came of age during the glory days of the 20th century, saw (and no doubt participated in) the the dawn…



Jane Trombley

A pan-curious essayist working out what to do with "my one wild and precious life." Nicheless by design. janetrombley@gmail.com"